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Showing posts from 2023

Dynamically altering CSS Style Sheets in JS

 I recently had a project which was running unit tests in an ajax call and color coding a corresponding row in a table according to the results. The calls were being made, the tests were being run, the results returned and the correct <div> being identified to change the background color. The problem: a CSS class in Bootstrap had such a particular specificity that it was overriding an effort I made to change the background color of the table row using classes.  After searching how to dynamically alter a CSS style sheet I came upon this solution.  The document.styleSheets property is a collection of the style sheets attached to the page. I needed to loop over them, identify the one I wanted to access since they can appear in any order, and then delete the rule I wanted (it wasn't being used anywhere. If it was, this would be much more complicated). Also since, it wasn't a true array, the each() method wasn't available. Throw back to a for loop. for(var x=0; x<docume